Friendship Through Gardening

Leafmore Garden Society Toowoomba is a group of people interested in all forms of gardens and gardening, you don’t have to be an expert or have a championship garden to be a member. Our gardens range in size from courtyard to acreage gardens.

Our main aim is to further our knowledge of horticulture and to foster the love of gardening through friendly meetings, garden visits and other activities.

We fully embrace the Garden Clubs of Australia motto –

 ‘Friendship Through Gardening’ 

We welcome visitors to our regular meeting. If you have any interest in our activities come along to one of our Friday meetings. There is no charge for you to visit us as a guest.

Meetings are held on the last Friday of the month at St Anthony’s Parish Hall, 3 Memory St Harristown Toowoomba Qld. from 7 pm. We swap gardening ideas, endeavour to solve gardening problems and celebrate our gardening successes.

There is usually a guest speaker at most meetings, along with a flower competition and a plant stall.

Our two-day Winter Garden School, held every second year in June, is educational as well as a very social event with first-class presenters, stalls and raffles. It raises funds for charity

Some of our members open their gardens   to the public to enjoy during the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers and also participate in The Chronicle Garden Competition, which is a major event on the Toowoomba City Calendar each year in September.